Mind Blowing Rainbow

Mind Blowing Rainbow

Friday, June 4, 2010

All work and no play, that's not my style.

Work at Subway has been rather bland, though not in a bad way. Working at the same place as the previous summer is not a luxury I have often had, and apparently my Subway has a surprising retention rate. Upon returning I found only two people who I did not know, and both of them were fairly outgoing and nice, so getting to know them has been easy and pleasant enough. Having to do hardly any training is certainly a plus also, as each store handles things differently so even among Subways I often had to learn a whole new system. There are only two people who I really don't get along with at work, and while I work with them a decent amount I get plenty of time with the people who actually work hard and are worth being around.

Of course, there is also the factor of people who come to Subway. A lot of them are alright people some of whom are needlessly cool (See: A Russo-Persian couple speaking Russian). Than there are the requisite people who suck for some reason or another. There are many a time where I have thought "You suck as a parent!" or "Geez, try having an ounce of patience!". Still, that's to be expected when dealing with the general populace I suppose.

On to the play aspect of life. I have been gleefully jumping into far too many RPG's at once, as tends to be my style. I am working my way steadily through Mass Effect as a Sentinel, and enjoying the game much more than my first attempt to play it. I also picked up a copy of Fallout 3 GotY Edition, and have picked up where I left of those many months ago. Trying out the all of the DLC (like Point Lookout and Broken Steel) has been quite fun, especially with my Gatling Laser wielding demigod of the Wasteland. I am still working slowly through Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon on DS when I get the strategy itch, though I'm at a frustrating mission at the moment. Usually give it a try or two and than just go "Meh, guess I'll try later". Finally, while not a game, I have started working through Animal Farm again finally. While short, I only read it maybe twice a week. It;s quite enjoyable though, and I look forward to finishing it and moving on to Machiavelli's The Prince.

As a complete aside, allergies suck and make me hate plant life.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea Subway had different systems among stores. I would've assumed that any large corporation business would have sort of drone-like stores that had very little variation (at least in the way they were run).

    I'm glad you like some of your coworkers. That really makes all of the difference. As for the bad ones.. well, we all have them. Most people suck. I could go on for hours telling you about all of the horrible customers that came into Hollywood Video over the years. Just a small example: a woman came in with her son (he was probably about 4) and after we told her we wouldn't rent to her on an account that her name wasn't on, he peed on the floor and she just smirked and left. Ugh.

    Allergies are particularly bad this year. Even in the city. :-p
