Mind Blowing Rainbow

Mind Blowing Rainbow

Monday, April 19, 2010

Isn't it funny how God can send you something at just the right time to give you a pick-me-up when you're going through a rough patch? I've got a good amount of papers and projects to do in the coming two weeks, along with a test and the usual quizzes, homework, and so on before finals come around. Not only that, but this weekend I was in some kind of a funk, and really had trouble getting through a paper that was due; I just wanted to curl up and sleep all day. I knew on Friday that my parents had sent me a package, but all they would say was that it was a "surprise". I finally got a chance to run and grab it before my first class, and was surprised that it was fairly small, like a 8x5x1.5 inch book. I wasn't disappointed, just surprised and curious as to what would be inside. Popping it open I saw first a book, small and green. Pulling it out I had to stifle a laugh at the title: i am neurotic (and so are you). I often give my mom crap for her neurotic tendencies, and also tend to recognize my own (oh yeah, they're there). This book is apparently a collection of quirky and true stories from people about their phobias, hysteria, and so on. Should be interesting.

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