Mind Blowing Rainbow

Mind Blowing Rainbow

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Why does this even exist?

A new blog, a new introductory post about why it exists and what to expect. Hopefully this is semi-interesting enough to warrant a skim, at least.

So I've tried a blog twice before, and it went about as well as most things with no discernible feedback; lots of energy at first, and dying quickly and painlessly. Since then a few other things have lead me to feel that I simply cannot maintain something like a blog, which requires a fairly constant schedule of updating to live up to its potential. This part of me hasn't really changed, so starting a blog now seems to be a setup for failure, right?

Well there are two main reasons for doing this. First, friends are starting to, so it makes following their easy. The real reason though, is that I have felt the need to prove to myself that I can do something I've failed at before if I set my mind to it. I figure if I can keep this going and really make it not suck I have accomplished more than I tend to with most of my free-time filling shenanigans.

That's really about it. Oh, and hopefully this will get my writing back to a fairly consistent quality, since my output has been horrible this semester. I can't guarantee that you will find the thoughts in here always interesting, and they will likely be so scatter-shot in topic that plenty will be misses. However, in the end I hope people can enjoy this to some degree, and that I can maintain this thing enough to prove to myself that I can keep a multi-year project going.

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